Melrose Football Club

Since 1973

The history of Melrose FC

Melrose Park Rangers Soccer Club was founded in 1973.

Over time we’ve taken on a few different looks.

Melrose FC logo 1973-2002

1973 - 2002

In what many call the dark years of the Club, the name and logo was changed from Melrose Park Rangers Soccer Club to Lavington Panthers Soccer Club.

Melrose FC logo 2003-2011

2003 - 2011

In 2012, after financial troubles with Lavington Panthers, the club changed name and logo to be known as Melrose Football Club. 

Melrose FC logo 2012-2014

2012 - 2014

Melrose Football Club then changed their logo to a much sharper look, yet is also a homage to the first iteration of Melrose Park Rangers. 

Melrose FC logo 2015-current

2015 - current

Reach out to us

If you have any questions about Melrose FC please reach out to us.